Grimaud Village Historique VarGrimaud Village Historique Var
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What to do in Grimaud ?

Your personalized trip

A holiday in Grimaud? What a great idea! From the medieval village to Port Grimaud, and including the natural environment of the Massif des Maures mountain range or the Mediterranean not to mention the Gulf of Saint-Tropez, here are some ideas for an unforgettable stay.

A great idea

A holiday in Grimaud

Need a change of scenery for a day, a weekend or more ? Have you decided to come and visit us ? You’ve taken the first step ! It’s up to us to take the second by giving you a few ideas to make your stay in Grimaud an unforgettable one.

The seaside is not the only advantage of Grimaud and the Gulf of Saint Tropez ; on the French Riviera, there is also Provence, the countryside and walks ! Spend a morning strolling through a Provençal village or in the Massif des Maures mountains before enjoying a walk along the seaside… What do you say ?

Between the village and the port

For one day

Only passing through Grimaud? Even if you’re only here for a day, you can still discover the medieval village and Port Grimaud, the Venice of Provence.

Drop your bags

Excursion ideas

Public holiday ? Nice boss ? Whatever the reason, you’re coming to Grimaud for three days ! And we’re here to advise you on how to make the most of it. Let’s see how to enjoy a perfect trip in Grimaud, village of Provence.

Prepare for

your stay

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