Chapelle Des Penitents Grimaud Var (9)Chapelle Des Penitents Grimaud Var (9)
©Grimaud Tourisme

The Penitents Chapel

The Penitents Chapel, a monument to visit in Grimaud.

More than

500 years of existence

Built at the end of the 15th century, ND du Coulet was built at the entrance to the village. 1482, the date of construction is engraved in Roman letters on the lintel of the door (M. CCCC. LXXXII, the 8 is a punctuation sign). The primitive porch was filled in to expand the inside of the chapel.

It became the home of the White Penitents congregation which helped the local population.


Vestiges of the past

Relics, statues and an altarpiece

Inside, there is a 17th century altarpiece and the Pietà painted by Paul-Emile Barberi in 1808. There are also the relics of Saint Theodore, and a variety of other statues, including Our Lady of 7 Sorrows.

In the south-eastern corner, there is a stone engraved with an inscription in Gothic characters: “His Grace of Fréjus gave 40 days of pardon”.

The Chapel once housed the municipal councils.

Classical music concerts

Les Soirées Musicales de Grimaud

Every year, the Penitents Chapel becomes a concert venue for the Soirées Musicales de Grimaud. A musical pleasure for sharing in the heart of this Grimaud monument.

Advice for making

the most of your stay
Mapof the village

At the Tourist Information Office, you can obtain a map of the village, which indicates the places of interest, such as the Penitents chapel.

Walkin the village

Make the most of your trip to the Penitents chapel by visiting the village. You will need around an hour and a half to take in the village, with its narrow streets and historic landmarks.

Free visitof the chapel

Several times a year, the Cultural and Heritage services in Grimaud offer free guided visits. Contact us on + 33 (0)4 94 55 43 83 for more details.

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