Visites Guidees Grimaud (4)Visites Guidees Grimaud (4)
©Cyril Carpentier

Guided tours

in Grimaud

Guided tours in Grimaud are provided by the Service Culture and Heritage of Grimaud . Get in touch with them or consult our calendar for more details.


Grimaud Castle

If there is one place, one landmark, that you really shouldn’t miss when you visit Grimaud in the Gulf of Saint-Tropez, it has to be the Castle!

It’s the very symbol of the all-powerful lords of the time and, although it now stands in ruins, you can imagine its past splendour – and the view is extraordinary.

Several times a year, free visits to the Castle are organised.

Nature trail

Fairies bridge

A walking tour organised by the Culture and Heritage services. Take a walk while you learn about local wildlife and plant life, the history of Grimaud and, of course, the Fairies Bridge.

Wear suitable walking shoes for this tour for your own comfort.

Free tours


A number of themed tours are organised in Grimaud each year by the Grimaud Culture and Heritage services. Consult our calendar to find out more about planned tours.

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