Les Grimaldines Grimaud Entre Amis (17)Les Grimaldines Grimaud Entre Amis (17)
©Cyril Carpentier

Les Grimaldines

Nights to remember

The Grimaldines are summer evenings that are part and parcel of life in Grimaud in the Gulf of Saint-Tropez. This festival of music and street performance comes to life each summer, bringing moments of joy, smiling faces and dancing feet.

Don’t miss

The Grimaldines

The Grimaldines is an intimate festival, where you can get up close and personal with the dancers, singers, magicians and tightrope walkers.

Dance and laugh alongside the artists who give their heart and soul to bring you an unforgettable evening.

The only rule? Enjoy yourself!

To know it is to love it

A unique festival

What is it that makes this festival so unique?

We could talk about it endlessly, but wouldn’t it be best to just give it a try?

The Grimaldines

among friends

A group of friends put the Grimaldines festival to the test. What did they think?

Sarah, Aude, Marie-Laure and Benjamin tell us how it went.

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