Grimaud Village Historique Var (26)Grimaud Village Historique Var (26)
©Guillaume Voiturier

One village,

several hamlets

The area resembles a mosaic, made up of a collection of districts and hamlets, dominated to the north by the old Medieval village. The village, surrounded by the foothills of the Maures mountain range, oak forests and chestnut trees, overlooks the Gulf of Saint-Tropez.


The village neighbourhoods

To the west, you have the hamlets of la Tourre and le Val de Gilly, tucked away at the end of small secret valleys known only to the initiated few.

The plain to the south, traversed by streams, has contrasting but complementary features: vineyards, fields as well as a dynamic business park, residential buildings and shops etc.

To the east, you have the hills, overlooking the sea: Guerrevieille and Beauvallon, balconies onto the Mediterranean, from where you can glimpse the beaches and the lakeside town of Port Grimaud. Here you have the sea, a gateway to a now hospitable land. A place where everything jostles for position.

The most amusing hamlet

A little bit of humour with the ‘Hameau des Crottes’, which means ‘Dung Hamlet’. It probably got its name a long time ago, back when the land was used to raise livestock.

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