1. The 13 Christmas desserts
The 13 Christmas desserts are found on Provençal tables. They symbolise the 12 apostles and Christ, and are associated with the Last Supper – Christ’s last meal with the 12 apostles.
Even though they are all served at the same time and in abundance after the Christmas meal, which is generally very filling, the 13 desserts remain on the table for 3 days.
However, each guest must taste all the desserts to honour the Christmas dinner tradition.
The 13 desserts are: walnuts or hazelnuts, dried figs, almonds, sultanas, grapes, watermelon, orange, dates, an exotic fruit (mango, kiwi, pineapple, etc.), pompe à l’huile (olive oil brioche), white nougat, black nougat, quince paste.