Aires De Jeux Grimaud 1Aires De Jeux Grimaud 1
©Aires De Jeux Grimaud 1|Grimaud Tourisme

Playground areas and the skatepark

Discover Grimaud’s playgrounds and skatepark for a great family day out.

1. Castle playground area

Behind Grimaud château – access via the Serge Fougère track – you’ll find a play area where youngsters can enjoy swings, a tree house, slides, a climbing frame and more.

Parental supervision required.

2. Blaquières playground area

This play area is located in the Blaquières sports complex. A spider’s web net for climbing and a swing are available.

Parental supervision required.

3. Skatepark

& city stadium

Fancy skating to rival some of the greats, Tony Hawke or Letícia Bufoni? The Grimaud skatepark is the ideal place to try your first tricks, such as an ollie or a fakie. Young and old, skateboarders and scooterers come together at the Grimaud skatepark with its friendly atmosphere.

Prefer basketball or football? There’s a city stadium next to the skatepark, where you can practise dribbling and leg-passing with your friends.

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