On holiday with my dog
In GrimaudAccommodation
Dog friendly
The first step to a relaxing holiday is finding accommodation in which your dog is welcome.
By the sea, in the countryside or in the village: Grimaud offers a wide range of solutions.
Leisure and activities with your dog
Now that you’ve packed your bags, it’s time to make the most of your trip! What to do in Grimaud with your dog
Nature walks, heritage and local discoveries, sea outings … Follow the guide!
The best practices for a perfect holiday
Have you thought of everything before you set off and do you know all the useful information for when you get there? (poop bags, water points, etc.)
Let’s check!
Useful numbers
– Veterinary surgeon in Grimaud Dr Schneider, 244 Chemin du Plan de la Tour : + 33 (0)4 94 56 16 37
– Veterinary emergencies : +33 (0)7 77 00 00 79
Veterinary emergencies in the Gulf of St Tropez are dealt with, outside consultation hours, in the form of on-call duty, by several structures in turn.
It is imperative that you call before going to the emergency clinic.
– Veterinary emergencies at night (after 11pm): contact UV Delta 83, ZAC Les Messugues, 19 Les Barestes in Puget-sur-Argens) : +33 (0)4 89 88 34 34
Specialist shops:
– Villaverde Rocchietta, RD 559 in Grimaud : +33 (0)4 94 56 33 08
Your dog is allowed to accompany you in the shop, on a lead.
Water bowl available.
– Jardinerie Ediosmo, 1251 Route de St Tropez à Grimaud : 04 94 43 22 72
Small doggies are allowed into the shop if they are placed in a trolley (available at the shop entrance).
If your dog runs away, contact:
– Grimaud Municipal Police: +33 (0)4 94 55 09 88
– The Grimaud Gendarmerie: + 33 (0)4 98 12 68 80
– Grimaud Town Hall: +33 (0)4 94 55 69 00
– Grimaud Animal-Protection Associations
– Défense Animale Grimaudoise (DAG): +33 (0)6 83 24 72 54
– Pantaille DSI : +33 (0)6 80 47 80 94
– La SPA (Flayosc-Draguignan): +33 (0)4 94 70 70 60
– Grimaud vet Dr Schneider: +33 (0)4 94 56 16 37
Give them a description of your dog, its tattoo or microchip number and your contact details.
You can also:
1) Advertise on local social networks:
– Animaux perdus/trouvés du Golfe de Saint-Tropez
– DAG (Grimaud)
– NALA (La Garde Freinet)
– PAM (Sainte-Maxime)
– AGDA (Cogolin)
– ACADA (La Croix Valmer)
– Solidarité Animaux (Cavalaire)
– Mim ô chats (Plan de la Tour)
2) Report it missing on specialised websites:
– I-cad.fr
– Pet Alert
– la-spa.fr
– 30millionsdamis.fr
In Grimaud, and anywhere else in France, if you see an animal being mistreated, contact the first national animal-abuse hotline.
Call the CNPA (National Council for Animal Protection) on +33 3677.
If your dog needs to look their best:
– Dog’s STropez: +33 (0)6 98 23 03 25 (23, avenue du Général de Gaulle, 83990 Saint-Tropez)
– Dog & cat’s beauté: +33 (0)4 94 45 06 82 (5, traverse des Lauriers roses, 83120 Sainte-Maxime)
– Angel toilettage # Le salon de Rosie: +33 (0)6 32 69 18 00 (Chemin de Pimpinon, 83580 Gassin)
– Au chien galant: +33 (0)6 82 92 64 31 (77, avenue Charles de Gaulle, 83240 Cavalaire-sur-Mer)
– Pretty Dog: +33 (0)4 94 54 69 22 (32, rue Marceau, 83310 Cogolin)
If your dog needs a pet-sitter:
– Pinou & Co (Gassin): +33 (0)6 62 66 72 02. Home care, boarding, walks.
– Pension canine du Rigaou (Cogolin): +33 (0)6 76 04 15 06. Full board or long stay.
– Chiens comme chats (Golfe de Saint-Tropez): +33 (0)7 70 01 49 34. Pet-sitter.
– Homesitting : Pet-sitting at your home by retired people.
– Emprunte mon toutou : Free, voluntary dog-sitters for walks and dog-sitting.
– Animauté : For dog-walking and sitting.
Getting around
in the Gulf de saint-Tropez
To avoid heavy traffic and get around our region in a more “eco-responsible” way, opt for public transport. This is possible with your pooch under certain conditions.
- ZOU! Regional bus company
Only small dogs (under 10 kg) are allowed on the bus. They must be transported in a carrier to avoid disturbing the comfort and peace of other travellers.
On the bus, you remain responsible for your animal and must clean or repair any fouling or damage.
Travel is free for pooches.For more information, call ZOU! customer service on +33 (0) 809 400 013 or click here.
- Var Express
Transfer from Nice airport to Port Grimaud.
Information and online booking: www.varexpress.eu
Mail: info@varexpress.eu
Operating from 15th March to 3rd November 2024
Only small dogs are allowed on board and must be placed in a transport box, except for guide dogs, which will be transported free of charge on presentation of a badge or disability certificate.
In order to guarantee this service, passengers are required to notify this requirement at the time of booking or, at the latest, 48 hours before the start of the journey. - Grimaud's summer shuttle service
The summer shuttle runs from 15 June to 15 September between Grimaud village and Port Grimaud. It’s free for you and your pooch.
Small dogs (under 10 kg) are permitted on board.
They must travel on their owner’s lap or be carried in suitably closed carriers so as not to soil or inconvenience other travellers.
On board the shuttle, you are responsible for your pet and must clean up or repair any fouling or damage. - The Little Train of Grimaud
The Little Train runs between Port Grimaud and the village without stopping.
Your dog can travel with you at no extra charge, regardless of size, as long as it is kept on a lead and respects the comfort and peace of other passengers. Don’t get on board if you’ve just come back from the beach all wet and sandy!In July and August, a busy period, please call The Little Train before travelling and specify that you have a dog when booking.
- Les Bateaux Verts
Shuttle service from Port Grimaud to Saint-Tropez. They operate from April to October.
Dogs of all sizes may accompany you at no extra charge, provided they are kept on a lead and do not disturb the comfort and peace of other passengers. - Le Marlin water taxi
Departure from Port Grimaud.
Dogs of all sizes are allowed on board at no extra charge, as long as they are kept on a lead and dry, if the number of passengers allows (maximum 9 passengers). Be sure to specify that you wish to travel with your dog when booking.
For more information, call 06 23 64 51 32 or email taxi@bateauverts.com - Taxis
The terms and conditions of carriage and additional charges vary from one driver to another. Some will allow your pooch to travel, while others will not.
We recommend that you contact the taxis in advance and specify that you wish to travel with your dog. Don’t forget to mention your pet’s size too.