Tortue Hermann Massif Des Maures (5)Tortue Hermann Massif Des Maures (5)
©Village des Tortues

The Maures Tortoise

The Maures Tortoise – a local species.

A home grown tortoise

Although the Hermann’s tortoise is a resident of Provence, its name comes from the naturalist from Strasbourg who led the initial study of the species.

Its nickname is ‘the Maures tortoise’ because it is most often found in this mountain range.

The tortoise loves the mild climate of the south and that’s why we should allow it to live in peace under our sunny skies.

In Grimaud

You might encounter Hermann’s tortoise near the Fairies Bridge.

So why is the bridge so-called? Well, because the Maures tortoise is unique, like a fairy.

In Carnoules

The village of the tortoise

If you have any questions, get in touch with this unusual ‘village’ that is like no other.

The village of the tortoise is there to provide you with information and to protect our precious Hermann’s tortoise. If you spot a tortoise that seems to be in distress, get in touch with them.

The village is an educational site that contributes to the conservation and protection of a number of different tortoise species.

Protecting the Maures Tortoise

Whilst we see them regularly in our region, the Hermann’s tortoise is an endangered species. Depending on its living conditions, this tortoise can live for between 40 and 80 years. A long life wandering around in our beautiful mountains, a life that deserves protection.

If you come across a Hermann’s tortoise during one of your walks, feel free to watch it in its natural habitat and take some photos to add to your album of ‘Maures highlights’.

But please, just leave it to go about its business in peace. Do not touch it or move it. It might be on its way to meet up with its family, or even to have a race with a boastful hare!

If you keep a Maures tortoise as a pet in your garden, be aware that the law is very strict to ensure that they are protected.

Under no circumstances should you keep a tortoise that has been taken from the wild. You must have proof that it has been legally obtained. The village of the tortoise provides training and placements to obtain a certificate of competence.

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