The Comité de Jumelage Ramatuelle-Samatan organizes its special lotto: the lotto-canard!
There will be 3 games, each consisting of a quine, a quine-canard and a carton plein. When all is won, we mark off and start again.
The game will be followed by a Pasta Party to continue the evening in good spirits.
Entertainment open to all: members of the Comité de Jumelage or not. Please note, places are limited.
Price for game and meal: €25 for members, €10 for children under 12 and €30 for non-members. A sheet of 3 cards is supplied. Additional sheet: €7.
Registration (with payment) to Mireille Raphaël-Roche, 54 chemin de la bastide blanche, 83350 Ramatuelle before May 25, 2024.
Information on 06 86 95 15 45.
Opening times
On 28 May 2025
Doors open at 5:30pm.
Bar room (top entrance)
Loto-Canard + Pasta Party
Espace Culturel Albert-Raphaël, 11 Chemin de la Calade, 83350 Ramatuelle