Saturday 3 may at 20:30

Theater: Mondial Closet

  • Entertainment/recreation
  • Theatre
Carré Léon Gaumont, 107 route du Plan de la Tour, 83120 Sainte-Maxime
At the crossroads of vaudeville, marivaudage and gender transvestism, Mondial Placard is a piquant comedy anchored in today's reality which multiplies misunderstandings and incredible situations.
Pure entertainment crowned with the 2023 Théâtre Prize from the Barrière Foundation, a pretext to cleverly address divisive themes through humor, lightness and impertinence.

"Mondial Placard", what a funny title!? Invented by the author and director Côme de Bellescize, it hides its game well! The name given to a company, it is also the symbol of discrimination against women by male executives in the merciless world of business. Because when a woman is appointed to a director position,...

Opening times

On 3 May 2025
  • 20:30


Theater: Mondial Closet
Carré Léon Gaumont, 107 route du Plan de la Tour, 83120 Sainte-Maxime
Contact Theater: Mondial Closet
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  • French
Updated on 07 March 2025 at 09:56
by Office de tourisme de Sainte Maxime
(Offer identifier : 7279713)
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