Sunday 16 february

Théâtre une fois par mois - Nos Femmes

  • Entertainment/recreation
  • Theatre
  • Comic
Salle Jean-Despas, 16, boulevard Vasserot, 83990 Saint-Tropez
Max, Paul and Simon have been friends for a long time. It's a cheerful, hard-working, unclouded friendship. While their professional life is a success, their private life is a mixed bag.
As is often the case, our three friends meet one evening at Max's for a game of cards. Simon appears distraught, and says he's had an argument with his wife Estelle, and in a fit of anger, strangled her. Max and Paul are terrified. Éric Assous weaves a fine comedy of manners out of this police comedy, which is above all about friendship: old friends are like old couples, and the initial situation highlights accumulated anger and frustration.

"Nos Femmes" by Éric Assous, by Cie Y SOL EN...


Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs
Lift (80 x 130 cm) and door >= 77 cm

Opening times

On 16 February 2025


Théâtre une fois par mois - Nos Femmes
Salle Jean-Despas, 16, boulevard Vasserot, 83990 Saint-Tropez
Contact Théâtre une fois par mois - Nos Femmes
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  • French
Updated on 08 November 2024 at 17:57
by Saint-Tropez Tourisme
(Offer identifier : 7042034)
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