©Grimaud Tourisme

Grimaud village Festival

Provence is a land of traditions and Grimaud is no exception! Every year, on mid-August, the village is in festive mood.

The village festival

An ancestral celebration

The origins of this festival are lost in past centuries.
Initially a religious occasion based on the 15 August celebration of the Virgin Mary, it is also a village festival which during the middle ages was accompanied by a major agricultural fair in the gardens of the Notre-Dame de la Queste Chapel. Breeders and merchants came from all over the Gulf to buy and sell all kinds of goods as well as livestock.

It was also a joyous occasion full of music and dance, and this aspect has remained in the hearts of the population.

That is why, nowadays, between land and sea, we perpetuate this village festival as a celebration of all traditions, with religious services and processions, festive balls, shows and firework displays, not forgetting our gastronomy with a festive lunch at the Notre Dame de la Queste Chapel.

14th to 16th August

From the village to the Queste Chapel

On 14th August, head to the village for a great evening. A huge craft market will bring Grimaud to life, and there will be wooden games for young and old, musical strolls and a concert by Alfredo Buendia Y Los Picaflores to dance the night away.

On 15th August, there’s a concert by the Satin Doll Sisters in the village church square, as well as an on-site catering area. Fireworks from the Port Grimaud beach at 10.30pm (postponed to 18th August 2024)– visible from the village church square.

On 16th August, a day tinged with Provence awaits you. Meet up at 10am (pétanque, mass), then at 12pm for lunch (méchoui – €25 menu) in a musical setting, followed by children’s games at 3pm.

On 15th August


15th August is the date of the D-Day in Provence (1944).
On this date, it is important to remember and commemorate all those who fought for freedom.
Meet at Port Grimaud (9am), at the Libération roundabout (9.45am) and then at the Monument aux morts in the village (12pm) to take part in the ceremonies.


This day of commemoration concludes with a moment awaited by all: the fireworks.
If you want to see it up close, head for the beach at Port Grimaud at 10.30pm.
You can also see it from the Place de l’Église in the old village.

Advice for making

the most of your day
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