TO’s commitments

In order to propose the best possible services to our customers and socio-professional organisations, the Tourist Office has achieved Category 1 status and also boasts the Qualité Tourisme™ quality label.

Qualité Tourisme™


The Qualité Tourisme™ brand is a national quality label created to enhance tourism services and facilities in France and ensure visitors are made to feel welcome.

This brand name selects and identifies under a single emblem, quality approaches to customer satisfaction undertaken in hotels, holiday apartments, holiday villages, campsites, restaurants, cafés and brasseries, seasonal rental agencies and tourist offices, as well as for tourist sights and outdoor activities.

Its purpose is to help clients recognise trustworthy establishments that offer quality services and facilities.

Grimaud Tourist Office, like all professional Qualité Tourisme™ members, undertakes to strive to satisfy its customers. This promise covers 5 main areas:

  1. Communication and information: accurate and up-to-date information available via means used by the clientele,
  2. Competence and good relations: professionalism, competence in foreign languages, offering of advice, a pleasant, courteous manner, and availability throughout the duration of a service,
  3. Comfort and cleanliness of premises: : irreproachable comfort, cleanliness and hygiene at premises and outlets…
  4. Sustainable development and touristic promotion of the region: environmental management, regional integration, and maximisation of local resources,
  5. Quality of services: comfort features and services for customer satisfaction.

A quality approach is a progressive one that is accompanied by dialogue within the organisation.

The marked establishments

Qualité Tourisme™

in Grimaud

Category 1


Our Office of Tourism is in category I. It belongs to the network of the Offices of Tourism of France. Accordingly, it undertakes to:

  1. Provide an easily accessible reception area and information area,
  2. Facilitate your procedure,
  3. Offer you furniture to sit down,
  4. Inform you free of charge about the local tourist offer,
  5. Advertise and broadcast our opening periods in at least two foreign languages,
  6. To offer you free access to wifi,
  7. Be open at least 305 days a year Saturday and Sunday included in tourist or entertainment period,
  8. Reply all year to your mail,
  9. Provide a permanent reception service run by staff practicing at least two foreign languages,
  10. Ensure the supply of tourist maps, maps and tourist guides on paper,
  11. Give you access to its dedicated trilingual website adapted to the consultation via embedded supports.
  12. Disseminate tourist information also on paper translated into at least two foreign languages:
    – To all classified tourist accommodations with at least the name of the establishment, postal address, e-mail, website address, telephone number, level of classification,
    – To monuments and cultural, natural or recreational tourist sites which may include the indication of usage rates, periods and opening times to the public, the website and the telephone and postal contact details,
    – At events and animations,,
    – At emergency phone numbers.
  13. Update our tourist information annually.
  14. Display emergency phone numbers.
  15. Present all the qualified offer of its intervention zone for all customers.
  16. Give you access to the classified accommodation availabilities.
  17. Process your complaints and measure your satisfaction.
  18. To propose a tourist information service integrating new information and communication technologies (social networks, mobile telephony, geolocation …).
  19. Respect the requirements of the Quality Tourism certification.
  20. Put at your disposal a stay counselor.
  21. Ensure the reliability and timeliness of information on the local tourist offer.
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